Perfect cod flavors prepared with pasta

Cod flavors have been enjoyed since ancient times, and when we talk about cod we can say that we like this fish or not, there are no indifferent people. Cod is one of those fish that goes great with other foods, be they traditional or somewhat modern. Therefore, the recipes for preparing cod are numerous as is the amazing splendor of the taste of this fish. The most common ways to prepare cod are on white, red or as a casserole., while potatoes, vegetables, polenta or various types of pasta are often prepared as a side dish, ranging from spaghetti to posutica and pljukanca- traditional Istrian pasta. According to a traditional Istrian recipe, white cod is served with posutice, Alden, as a producer of white cod, respects the tradition of this fish and strives to weave it into its products with both quality and taste. In order to prepare the best and most delicious dish with cod, Alden can help with their recipe that follows the traditional way of serving cod but with a modern twist. To prepare a dish according to this recipe it is necessary to follow a few easy steps. Firstly posutice need to be cooked in salted water and drained. For the dressing,which goes on top of posutice, it is required to fry red onion, sugar and bread lace on seed oil. When the onion turns golden brown, the topping is poured over the posutice and served with the Mantecato cod, which you can find in Alden’s offer in four flavors – classic, with green pepper, olives and capers. As a side dish, you can cook kale and then fry it in a pan on olive oil with the addition of garlic. All details about the exact quantities and ingredients can be found at the following link: . Cod dishes are perfect for family gatherings, when friends come to visit or your better half that you can treat on the upcoming Women’s Day. Roll up your sleeves and tackle the preparation of cod dishes, which Alden can make easier with their recipes and ready-made products.